

蒂姆·卡拉斯 has spent the last two decades working in California 社区 大学. He currently serves as Superintendent/President Mendocino-Lake 社区 大学 District. 之前的职位包括阿拉米达学院院长. 曾担任的职位 have been Vice-President of Instruction at 大学 of Alameda, Dean of Liberal Studies and Language Arts at 任务 大学, and tenured faculty member at 大学 of San 马特奥.

Dr. Karas’ higher 教育al journey receiving an Associate Degree from West Valley 大学. 他在洪堡大学获得地理学学士学位 State 大学 and a Masters in 图书馆 and Information Science from San Jose State 大学. 他完成了教育领导领域的博士学位 2017年在菲尔丁研究生大学.


密涅瓦弗洛 is the Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Research, Equity and 他在门多西诺学院工作了15年. 工作前 in Research 密涅瓦弗洛 worked with federal grant programs that focused on migrant and seasonal farm working students and adults (大学 Assistance Migrant Program and High School Equivalency Program) at the community college and university level.

She has also worked with the Mexican Consulate in securing funds for Mendocino 大学, for Mexican nationals living in the exterior and pursuing a college or high school 教育. 她还与城市教育中心在设计和 analysis of community college equity plans as well as measuring equity achievement 与反种族主义镜头的差距.

She has two bachelor's degrees from the 大学 of California Davis in International Relations with a focus in cultural anthropology and Spanish with an emphasis on linguistics 和中世纪西班牙文学. 她还拥有索诺玛州立大学的硕士学位 以成人教育为重点的教育技术大学.

P. 杰恩Bopp

P. 杰恩Bopp holds a bachelor’s in religious studies from Arizona State 大学 and, a master’s in public health, a master’s in sociology, and an advanced certificate 夏威夷大学的女性研究专家. 她是和平队的志愿者 在毛里塔尼亚从事艾滋病毒/艾滋病工作超过十年. Jayne曾在Student工作 Services at the 大学 of Hawaiʻi on a federal violence prevention grant and at Windward 社区 大学 on a Title III grant to increase Native Hawaiian access 教育.

Today, Jayne is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies, the 认证 规划政策办公室联络干事兼临时协调员 & 评估 在背风社区学院. 杰恩在欧胡岛的迎风面长大,已婚, a grandmother, and enjoys hiking, yoga, her pets and hanging out with family.

Dr. 特蕾莎·弗莱舍·罗兰

Dr. 特蕾莎·弗莱舍·罗兰 serves as the Vice Chancellor – Educational Services and Student Success with the Chabot-Las Positas 社区 大学 District since 2019.

Dr. Fleischer Rowland began her career as a K12 teacher, and after a master’s program 加入了圣地亚哥梅萨和城市学院的咨询教师. 她的社区大学 work continued at Pasadena City 大学 (adjunct Counselor), Long Beach City 大学 (Assistant Director), and both Foothill and De Anza 大学s (District Dean, Vice-President). She worked for six years with the Foundation for California 社区学院/Career Ladders Project (Senior Director) improving policy and practice through large-scale 资助项目.  在加入CLPCCD之前,她曾担任副校长, 在旧金山城市学院执教四年.

Dr. Fleischer Rowland holds a doctorate 在教育al Leadership, a master’s degree 咨询教育学士学位,教育学学士学位.

斯科特的. 卢卡斯

斯科特的. 卢卡斯 is Faculty Chair of Teaching and Learning at Lake Tahoe 社区 大学 教授人类学 & 从事社会学工作超过25年. 他得到了认可 with the national McGraw-Hill Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching of Anthropology by the American Anthropological Association and the California Hayward Award for Excellence 在教育.

He is a former member of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate for California 社区学院.


Maryanne米尔斯 is the Instruction and 外展 Librarian at West Valley 大学 in 萨拉托加,. 她担任这个职位已经15年了. 她曾担任该部门的部长 图书馆的轮值主席. 她的机构职责包括 serving on the Academic Senate, the Distance Education Committee, the 学生服务 校董会、书院校董会及设施及安全委员会.  在她 sabbatical year, 2018-2019, she completed the Online Network of Educators Certificate in Advanced Certificate in Online Teaching Principles, developed an open access Canvas Commons Course on information literacy, and earned the Creative Commons Certificate 图书馆员. 

She is an active member of the American 图书馆 Association and the Association of 学院及研究图书馆.

Dr. 保罗•墨菲

Dr. 墨菲 is the Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and 认证 艾伦·汉考克学院联络官. 球队对克拉夫顿山的访问将是 他的第12次初次认证访问. 他曾担任标准1和标准2的负责人 IIA on his college’s recent 自我评价 and the lead on standard IV for the previous 自我评价. Dr. 墨菲有超过30年的高等教育参与经验 in various faculty and administrative roles in the UC, CSU, and 社区 大学 加州的系统. 

在担任现职之前,他是. 墨菲担任院长和临时副校长 为期十年的教学. 在此期间,他撰写和管理了许多 grants, including a Department of Education STEM and Articulation Grant and a National 健康研究所,通往学士学位基金的桥梁. 在担任院长之前, Dr. 墨菲 created the office of institutional research at Allan Hancock 大学. Dr. 墨菲获得了博士学位.D. 从加州大学圣巴巴拉分校获得经济学学位,并继续任教 每学期一门经济学课程.

Ms. Chedva Weingart

Ms. Chedva Weingart lives in Southern California and has lived in the LA area for 她生命中的大部分时间.

她是一个活跃的人.P.A .按要求参加80小时或以上的继续教育 每两年一次.

In the beginning of her career, she worked at Arthur Andersen and Co (at that time one of the big 8 firms) then worked in a local firm, and was in public accounting 整整8年.  随后,她进入私营企业担任财务总监,并获得晋升 对首席财务官.  

Ms. Chedva Weingart then moved to working in community colleges and have been in finance/business/fiscal in community colleges since 1999 and have moved up from accounting supervisor to Executive 财政司司长.  她热爱自己的工作,在社区大学工作.